What I'm Up To

What I'm Up To

I think it's time I kept my avid and loyal readers posted with my archery exploits.
Don't forget that you can find details about how to work out what you need to do to gain classifications on the 2nd tab above.

27th September 2012
Been quite busy with the old bows & arrows, but forgot to update in here! (oops). NAC Champs on 16th on was good fun. I shot with Jen May and she beat me - doh! - congrats, Jen. Last weekend, 23rd, we had an Albion match against Eastbourne. I have never been out in so much rain - let alone as an archer! We all got absolutely soaked. It was so bad that the round was cut short after just 2 distances. I'm thrilled to say NAC won. A few idiots stayed the distance to shoot the full Albion (won't say who, but she was the only NAC member to get drowned with the EB ladies longbows!)

Burntwood coming up on 30th - see my Burntwood blogpost

My medal haul for the year September 2011 to August 2012

8th August 2012
It's been a bit quiet on the competition front - and then several come along all at once! Today I popped over to the annual Lazy Shoot, which this year was at Eastbourne. Managed to win the barebow ladies, but I reckon it was only because fellow NAC member Ann Yeldon was a bit poorly that I managed to beat her score! A good day. (Windsor round - 577 was my score.)

11th July 2012
Thinking I might try for an unofficial Master Bowman, or even Grand Master Bowman. Has to be unofficial because the officially recognised classifications must be earned at special competitions and I don't have time to go in for the three required for now. If I achieve either, at least I will have the satisfaction of knowing I have and can think about starting earlier next year to do it properly.

3rd July 2012
Shot a Western at Firle this evening and made 505. Now why couldn't I do that on Sunday? Ah yes - the wind!

1st July 2012
The Eastbourne Longbow/Barebow competition. It was sooooooooooooo windy!! All the tents were being folded in half all day and most of us were missing the target and spent ages looking for our arrows. Everyone helps though - with various implements including metal detectors. It was a Western Round and I managed 313 to make 3rd place. Several NAC members did well too.

29th June 2012
Shot a National this evening as I needed to get site marks for 60 yards & 50 yards ready for the Eastbourne competition on Sunday. A creditable 1st class score of 284,

26th June 2012
Guess who made her 3rd bowman score this evening? Moi! Hammered it. Needed 214 and shot 267. To put that into perspective (remember that I shoot Barebow), a Compound archer with the same score would achieve 3rd class, Recurve 2nd class and Longbow the same as Barebow - Bowman.  Now I can practice for the Western on Sunday.

24th June 2012
Achieved my 2nd Bowman score today. Very windy. Had to ask a friend to borrow her fletching jig as mine has still not arrived, so I was shooting with 'new' and different arrows - ACCs which are carbons.. Hit the score on the nose - 214 for a FITA 70. The weather is very frustrating; if it's not raining it's very windy and vice versa. Also need to think about working out my sight marks for next weekend's match. Will pop up a picture of my new arrows asap - meanwhile my blog background is of the 12 X7 Eclipse aluminium arrows my friend let me have a go with - I'm very tempted to get some for the indoor season!

20th June 2012
Another competition, this time in Eastbourne on 1st July. Waiting for my fletching jig to arrive from the USA so I can sort my arrows out - will have to ask a friend if it's not here by the weekend as I need to get my new sight marks sorted for the Western distances.

10th June 2012
My very first outside competition at Ditchling! I won the Ladies Barebow. It rained on & off all morning and poured from lunchtime onwards. I had not had a chance to try my new arrows with Kurly vanes at the Windsor distances - and the vanes kept coming off as they were catching on the button. Nevertheless another win! It's good doing barebow because practically everyone else shoots recurve or compound. Newhaven club did very well - 5 winners.

1st June 2012
My first Bowman score on a Fita 70 round - 218 points. This was with my new arrows - had a few problems with them, but made the grade (had to get 214+)! I also enjoy the Half Metric round.

May - June 2012
Working towards my Bowman classification, on achieving which I will change my archery email address to lyn**thebowman**@g**mail.com (remove the **s). Just need to get my new arrows. I will join the elite few lady barebow bowmen in the club who have achieved this.


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