How Archery Handicaps Work - maybe!

Hehe - I had to laugh when I put in that title as I barely understand how archery handicaps work! But I thought I would give it a try.

Once I began working on my achievements - late spring 2011 was when I understood better what I had to do - then I was at least able to find out what my handicap would be using Archersmate. I'd enter my score for the round I had just shot and it would give me a 'handicap'.

I simply carried on doing my thing.

The BIG surprise came when I won the Burntwood! Yes - WON! I shot the lowest score, yet using my handicap allowance I leapfrogged all the mega-experienced archers and won the trophy, a medal and a very cute little teddy (you can see on my kitbag).

So, whilst I am not sure I understand the reasoning behind handicaps, I accept they exist and that I have benefitted from them/it.

Here's a copy of a recent results chart - names have been changed to avoid embarrassment (use zoom if you need to):

The upshot is that you need to establish - get - a handicap in order to benefit from the handicap allowance. You do this by shooting rounds and sending your scores in to the club Records Officer. As your actual handicap may take a while to be advised to you, use Archersmate to find out as you go along. The actual allowance chart is made available to the club for when they need to score matches.

Pop over to the scoring and classifications tab to remind yourself of what you need to do.

Because of licencing issues, the handicap tables are not free. You can buy them via the Archery GB shop, but you don't really need to, the club should have a copy you can look at:
Archery GB Rules of Shooting with Binder

Here's another link to a useful page:

I hope this has helped a bit - do leave a comment if you would like to.

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