Tuesday 25 September 2012

Beginners CAN Win the Burntwood Trophy!

We have a special annual competition in the Newhaven Archery Club. It's called 'The Burntwood' and was set up by Jane Skinner about 5 years ago. The trophy is very different, (see pic) and in addition the winner and runners up get a very cute archer teddy.

The Burntwood Trophy and Archer Ted

What is especially unusual is the match itself and the fact that even a beginner can win it - I'm living proof as I won it myself last year - my first full year of archery (I was very surprised when they called out my name!).

This is because it's a handicap shoot, which means that people with a big handicap but very low score, can leap-frog the more experienced archers with low handicaps and very high scores. But you need to have a handicap registered to win - so you must have shot a few full rounds and logged them with the Records Officer.

The round itself is also unusual. Based on a distance of 30 metres but on 4 different target face sizes - starting with the 40cm, then 60cm, 80cm and finally the big 122cm. Each is 3 dozen arrows, so 12 dozen overall for the round. So it's an all-day shoot. Bring your lunch!

So, to all beginners I say - come along and have a go. You have every chance of leaving with a trophy under your arm and a teddy in your pocket.

I look forward to seeing you there - bring your own refreshments. (All-day match.)

Sunday, 30th September setting up from 08.30 with assembly at 10.00 and sighters at 10.15.
Make sure your wet-weather gear is to hand as only lightning or smog will cancel the event.

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