Saturday 26 December 2015

Christmas 2015 and New Year 2016 Greetings

Christmas 2015 and New Year 2016 Greetings

I wish all my lovely readers the very best for 2016. I hope you improve your archery skills and win lots of prizes.

I cannot think of a more fitting picture. This is a little Christmas tree, which ever since I can remember, we have put up every year. It's about 15 inches tall and very old (possibly 70 years' or more). It's always been called 'Michael's tree' but sadly, the people who might know a little bit more about its provenance have passed away. Mike died this September, so in his memory I have popped it onto this, my favourite blog, so that when I go through from time to time to check the links etc, I will be reminded of him.


Monday 16 February 2015

Vegas Indoor Archery Round

Vegas Indoor Archery Round

We're coming up to one of our special indoor competition days on Friday 20th February starting at 7pm, when we will be shooting a Vegas round. (I won it the first time I shot it - never since!)

Anyway, rather than re-invent the wheel, here's a link to a commendable explanation of the Vegas round on Eastbourne Archers' site:

While I'm here, I may as well remind you that the very last indoor shoot for us at Seahaven this season, will be our combined Portsmouth BA/Winter Championships round, which serves the dual purpose of being our final BA Champs round too. Sunday 29th March starting at 2pm. Don't miss it!

We also need help getting all the equipment transferred back to the field afterwards please.