Sunday 18 May 2014

Archery Beginners Course 2014

Archery Beginners Course 2014

We had the first of two days training at the field yesterday. A beautiful, sunny and hot day.

About 16 people came and lots of people from the club turned up to help with the training. There were five archery coaches to direct the day and from what I heard a really good day was had by all.

It's always great to see how excited the group becomes as the day goes on. Some mixed feelings as the training progresses from the simple 'barebow' style to recurve freestyle - learning to use sights is a bit of a challenge. It has ever been so!

One of the coaches likened the training to learning to drive a car. You have lessons and take your test, but it's only once you start driving and thinking for yourself that you develop the skills which will hopefully turn you in to a good driver. Unlike driving, however, to develop your archery to becoming the best you can takes time and devotion. Sadly, all too few drivers even think to take things further and enhance their driving skills at all once they have passed the test!

I have written a bit more about changing bowstyles in another section in this blog:

If like me, you are one of this year's beginners and have already caught the archery bug - beware! It's definitely addictive! After every session, I still get excited looking forward to next time.

Right now, I'm looking forward to the second and final day of training. Let's hope the weather stays fine.

Until next time.

PS I nearly forgot. If you are going to join the club, you need to think about the equipment you will need to buy. The coaches will advise you of size and strength and I have listed the basics etc here:
There are sure to be some club members who have equipment they no longer need, so do ask first and you may save yourself some money.